1. Danae Christidou: A landscape of love and loss: Emotional crises at a secluded cove in Ovid˘s story of Scylla (Met. 13.888-14.74).
2. Gerasimos N. Faraklos: Milo, the miller and Mithras in Apuleius˘ Metamorphoses: mutuus nexus.
3. Margherita Cassia: L˘ippopotamo del Delta nilotico: una specie “a rischio” nella Tarda Antichità?
4. Very Revd Dr Panteleimon Tsorbatzoglou: The Use of the Corpus Dionysiacum Areopagiticum at the Lateran Council (649) and the Sixth Ecumenical Council (680- 681).
5. Georgios Georgopoulos – Panagiotis Stouras: The withholding: The reaction strategies of the rural world of Aigialeia during the 1930s.
6. K. Aggelakos – Ch. Kourgiantakis – E. Pouliasis – M. Charalampopoulou – G. Lazaridou: Oral Testimonies as Public History in History Education; the case of the refugees of Asia Minor.
7. Georgios Michalakopoulos – Halide Gamze İnce Yakar: Bilge Karasu˘s language pursuit with reference to art, communication, and translation.
8. Etolia Ekaterini (Eliana) Martinis: Gallery K and the Lost Heritage Project (2008-2009): representations of desecrated Christian churches and cemeteries in Northern Cyprus.
9. Guidelines for authors. |