
Mediterranean Chronicle 12 (2022)


1. Nikolaos Varvatakos: “Idaean-fingerprints” in Cyprus. A proposed etymology
of the ancient Cypriot place name Idalion.......................................................................... 3
2. Giuseppe Bombino: It was in Aspromonte (southern Calabria, Italy)
that the term “bridle = briglia” (“check dam” or “weir” designed to control streams)
was first attested in the field of hydraulics engineering: here is what an ancient
document has revealed........................................................................................................ 25
3. Γεωργία Κ. Κατσαγάνη: Φίλιππος Περγαμόθεν: Επιγραφική μαρτυρία
(IG IV2 I 687) για έναν άγνωστο ιστορικό του 1ου αι. π.Χ.......................................... 33
4. Lee Fratantuono: Pindar’s Achilles and Virgil’s Camilla:
The Influence of Nemean 3 on Aeneid 11..........................................................................49
5. Stella Alekou – Despina Keramida: Travelling Imagines in Ovid’s Heroides.............63
6. Charilaos G. Kamperis: Novelistic love between parody and ideal:
aspects of sexuality and gender in Petronius and Achilles Tatius................................. 81
7. Emanuele Piazza: Gens infidelis, nefanda gens:
A Look at the Saracens between Langobardia Minor and Sicily................................... 97
8. Diego D’Oria: Una curiosa controversia diplomatica tra la Grecia e il Regno
delle Due Sicilie circa il diritto di pesca dei “marinai napoletani” nei mari
interni dell’Ellade................................................................................................................111
9. Yanna Dimitriou – Eleni Socratous – Manolis Drakakis: The Criminal Court
Archives (1815-1864) in the General State Archives of Corfu: An introduction........ 123
10.Σοφία Κουτέρη: Το παραδοσιακό τραγούδι στις αριστοφανικές μεταφράσεις...147
11.Zafiris Nikitas: The Mother Figure in Chekhov’s Dramaturgy....................................183
12.Ζαφείρης Νικήτας: Όψεις του σύγχρονου γερμανόφωνου θεάτρου.
Από την Ελφρίντε Γέλινεκ στη Μαριάννα Σάλτσμαν.............................................. 203
13.Guidelines for authors........................................................................................................217


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